Floor Levels

Want to add floor levels to your event to help you plan on multi levels?

Check out our YouTube video on how to use floor levels here!

Floor levels are inserted on top of your base canvas. In this case though, they represent the physical floor level of a building. This means you can continue to plan your event both inside and outside.

Once you have your building levels added to your event, you can now place items on a particular floor. Added Floor Plans are shown in the placed objects on the top of the objects toolbar. By moving between Floor plans, you are changing floors of a building. So any objects you place on that floor, will only appear on that floor plan  - and nowhere else - just like in the real world.

The Floor plan of an object is listed in all the Reports so you can see what level an object is placed on.

The opacity slider is located on the properties toolbar on the right side of the screen.

If you wish to import a  concrete layer or floor plan, please fill out this form with the image or PDF file, the event and the location of the layer. Depending on what type of subscription you have, there may be a small charge for this service.